Business proposal structure - 思維導圖

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This mind map helps you '''collect and organize information for writing a business proposal'''. The resulting map can also be used as the basis for writing a business proposal or for structuring the content of your offer. Keywords: business proposal, proposed solution, business objectives, business requirements, communication

Business proposal structure

This professional business proposal structure mind map will help you land and close the deal with a new customer.

The quality of a strong proposal always depends on how you present your proposal. Set your objectives and identify your audience, define your purpose and priorities, express your assumptions and knowledge and find someone who can check all of the mentioned above.

Begin your document with a summary of your agenda, then check the current position of your customers and identify their problems to which your product or service is the solution.

Include alternative solutions and state the advantages and disadvantages from the clients’ point of view.

After considering all of the above, start developing your suggested solution, including the benefits and drawbacks of your product or service. The actual delivery and the following actions are the final steps and will prove to your clients that they can rely on you.

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Mind maps help you brainstorm, establish relationships between concepts, organize and generate ideas.

However, mind map templates offer an easier way to get started, as they are frameworks that contain information about a specific subject with guiding instructions. In essence, mind map templates ensure the structure that combines all the elements of a specific subject and serves as a starting point for your personal mind map. They are a resource for providing a practical solution to create a mind map on a particular topic, either for business or education.

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You can choose from a variety of mind map templates from Mindomo's business or educational accounts, or you can create your own mind map templates from scratch. Any mind map can be transformed into a mind map template map by adding further guiding notes to one of its topics.

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