Character development - 思維導圖

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Analyze how a certain character has developed throughout the story. Click on the arrow below to begin. Keywords: literature, writing

Character development

Character development

Many literary works focus on character development. There are different kinds of characters and they have some personality traits that define them. However, those can change throughout the book. In general, these are the main characters, but sometimes, you can also learn the development of certain secondary characters.

Use this template to think about the character’s behavior and feelings and draw conclusions regarding its development during the literary work.

Find out if the characters have had any behavioral changes and what caused those changes. Compare the way the character acted before and after those changes.

Analyze both the internal and external factors that caused those changes.

Find out more details about the feelings of the character you are analyzing. How does the character feel in different situations that he encounter? His feelings have changed during the book? What caused that change?

You can find information about a character from the way the character responds to different situations and the way he interacts with the other characters. Maybe some of them express their point of view about the character you are analyzing. Being careful with the indirect presentation of the character will help you figure out his changes and development in relation to others.

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