Six thinking hats technique - 思維導圖

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'Six Thinking Hats' can help you to look at problems from different perspectives, but one at a time, to avoid confusion from too many angles crowding your thinking. Keywords: problem solving, six thinking hats, personal life

Six thinking hats technique

Six thinking hats technique - Change your perspective and start seeing a situation from different points of view.

The White Hat: Be as objective as you can and focus your attention around the information you have. Evaluate it and determine the weak points that can be improved.

The Red Hat: Use your intuition, opinions, and emotions and put yourself in others' shoes to better understand the situation from the outside perspective.

The Black Hat: Every cloud has a silver lining. Identify and take into account the negative results before moving any steps. Highlighting the strengths is fine, but finding the weaknesses that will inspire you to improve is more critical.

The Yellow Hat: Put on this hat and shift your attitude to optimism. Observe the positive aspects of a situation and praise the advantages they bring.

The Green Hat: This hat will inspire you to be creative and find new alternatives and approaches. The level of criticism is lower, which will enable you to find multiple ways to solve the problem, by being inventive.

The Blue Hat: Wearing this hat allows you to see the overall situation from an objective point of view. You only get the bigger picture when you detach yourself and observe everything from the outside.

Why use a Mindomo mind map template?

Mind maps help you brainstorm, establish relationships between concepts, organize and generate ideas.

However, mind map templates offer an easier way to get started, as they are frameworks that contain information about a specific subject with guiding instructions. In essence, mind map templates ensure the structure that combines all the elements of a specific subject and serves as a starting point for your personal mind map. They are a resource for providing a practical solution to create a mind map on a particular topic, either for business or education.

Mindomo brings you smart mind map templates that allow you to function and think effortlessly.

A template has various functionalities:

Descriptive topics

Topics with background text

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You can choose from a variety of mind map templates from Mindomo's business or educational accounts, or you can create your own mind map templates from scratch. Any mind map can be transformed into a mind map template map by adding further guiding notes to one of its topics.

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